
Briana .
3 Tips to Book More Gigs and Draw Larger Crowds
Success Strategies for Entrepreneurs Who Want to Get Their Message Out
23 August, 2018 by
3 Tips to Book More Gigs and Draw Larger Crowds
eWomenNetwork, Briana Dai
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This week we are sitting down with our Chief Marketing Officer of eWomenNetwork and Executive Producer at Celebrity Science Branding and Star Power Studios

 Kym Yancey has a knack for turning experts into leaders in their field and has helped numerous successful entrepreneurs transition from the expert level to the influencer level through our Celebrity Science program. 

With that said, Kym has all the inside scoop on what it takes to stand out in this crowded marketplace so that YOU can book more gigs and draw larger crowds as an influencer and speaker.  


“Is your solution, idea, strategy relevant to the buyers?”  This is the first question Kym dives into when crafting your signature message.  It isn’t what you think is relevant, but rather, what your audience would find relevant that will draw the audience you want. 

Relevancy is established not only in the topic itself, but in the way your topic is packaged.  If you want to stand out, your entire presentation needs to stand out too.  

Your presentation is everything from your headshots, to the title of your speaking topics, to your bio, to your website, to your personality on stage, your leave-behind, and everything in-between.

Don’t be afraid of narrowing down your target audience to a specific, niche group.  The more specific of a problem or pain-point you can solve, the more relevancy you will create for the right people and the right groups.

Catering your topic and your message to the audience you are wanting to speak to is an amazing way to close the deal!

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Once you’ve determined your relevance, Kym says, “you need to recognize that you are the number one top brand in your category.  Now you might be saying to yourself, ‘but I’m not,’ and you’ve just hurt yourself right there.  You’ve got to put your stake in the ground and say in this category, in what I’m doing, and the way I do it, there is nobody like me.”  

Have you ever heard the phrase “how can you expect anyone to love you if you don’t love yourself first?” 

The same couldn’t be more true when it comes to drawing in a big crowd or attracting a huge speaking gig.  The first thing you need to do is give yourself permission to receive the recognition you deserve.  Once you’ve done that, the public recognition becomes much more authentic.

“If you google your category on the internet, you want to be the number one person that pops up in that category, and if you’re not, there are STILL ways that you can outmaneuver the person that is.”

Investing in your digital marketing strategy and leveraging social media to boost your online presence is arguably the best way to be seen internationally.  The key is to have relevant content that you are sharing on a consistent basis so that you can build on your online recognition, which leads to Kym’s last tip…. 

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“There’s got to be a way for people to see you, a way for people to be touched by you, without you always selling to them.  Your market needs to be moved and served by you in a repetitive fashion.”

Another way to do this besides digitally, is to start offering speeches on your expertise to people within your circle at no charge. There was a little rule-of-thumb many years ago that said, “before you can be paid to speak you have to have given 300 free talks.”

Some people might be able to start getting paid faster or slower than others but the point is to consistently get in front of audiences as 

much as you can until someone comes up to you and asks that magical question, “how much would you charge to come and speak to my tribe?”  The more you share your gifts, the more abundance will come back to you, which is exactly why we created our Speakers Network, to do just that. Hence our motto: give first, share always.


3 Tips to Book More Gigs and Draw Larger Crowds
eWomenNetwork, Briana Dai
23 August, 2018
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