Podcasts have been on the rise for some time and have proven to be a great medium to connect with your audience or clients on endless topics. Technology plays a large part in making these podcasts happen, and Dell Technologies wants to make selecting these home-studio podcast solutions a breeze. From the microphone, to the headset, Dell has a number of great options to bring your podcast to life.
For an at-home podcast studio solution, there are a few key pieces of hardware that will be needed to get started. A few of these key pieces include the following:
Laptop or Desktop Computer
Audio Mixing Software
With a range of options out there for a podcast studio set up, it can be overwhelming to know what options will work best for your ideal studio & price range. One of the great benefits through the Dell Technologies & eWomen Network partnership is the access to a dedicated Small Business Advisor to assist with your custom recommended solution. Depending on your environment of where you plan to create your podcast studio, whether it will be a podcast on-the-go or a physical studio, our Small Business Advisors can put together the best fit solution.

To make your search for the best podcast studio set up for you even easier, through the partnership with Dell & eWomenNetwork, members have the benefit of requesting an in-person onsite visit for a complimentary technology consultation with your Dell Account Executive. eWomenNetwork recently took advantage of their very own complimentary onsite visit with their Dell Account Executive to discuss this very topic and find the best-fit podcast studio solution for their office. This quick onsite visit helped mold the best solution of microphone, headset & additional hardware recommendations based on the studio space and understanding of current hardware. eWomenNetwork’s Podcast bundle solution included the Yeti Professional Podcast bundle, which includes the best-selling Yeti USB Microphone, Premium Broadcast Boom Arm and Yeti Shockmount. Not only does this bundle look professional, but it provides stunning sound quality at a great price point. Along with the Yeti Broadcast Bundle, eWomenNetwork also recommended the Audio-Technica ATH M50XBT Wireless Headsets for an exhilarating listening experience. Paired with a Dell All-in-One Desktop to run their audio-editing software, eWomenNetwork will now have a professional-grade podcast studio set up made easy & accessible.
Want to learn more about starting a podcast? Check out the recording and a limited-time opportunity to be a part of the eWN Podcast Network HERE.