Success Reimagined 3.0 was one for the ages! And I’m not just saying that because we spent several days assembling lightboxes, though I am incredibly happy you all seem to love them so much!
While the Yancey trio was on stage in South Carolina, I got to enjoy SR 3.0 from the comfort of my desk. It worked out phenomenally well, because my dog just had surgery and Sandra and Kym were kind enough to let me bring him to the office for the duration of the event. Unrelated, I know, but I had to give a shout out to bosses who are so understanding and accommodating before diving into all the brilliance Success Reimagined 3.0 had to offer!
Sandra on Imagination. When we’re little we’re taught that imagination is a great thing. It teaches us to learn, grow, create, and relate. But as we get older, that same imagination we were once praised for, slowly becomes unrealistic or childish. With each day that passes into adulthood, with every loan that is signed, and with each credit card that’s opened, the magic of possibility seems to slip from our grasp just a little bit more. So often it seems that the lives we’re building are also subtly boxing us into a corner where imagination and possibility are further from reality than they ever were when we were children. Sandra’s reminder that imagination enhances the business rather than detracts from it, was a game changer.
The Tune of Your Brand. Who else had their mind-blown thinking about the sound of their brand? Even if you’re not the face of your business’s brand, you are your brand. It’s so easy to get hung up on colors, fonts, and logos (all of which are incredibly important, mind you), that it can be easy to forget about the FEEL of the brand. How many of us hear a song and it makes us think of someone we know? Identifying the feel of your brand through music is an eye-opener. PS: My personal brand’s song is She’s a Rainbow by The Rolling Stones. In case you were wondering.

Content Pillars. Briana’s talk on creating influence was a favorite. For one thing, I loved how she made the very valid point, that to be an influencer you must be someone people want to be influenced by. Additionally, utilizing the content pillar and brain-mapping method is such outstanding advice when you think of how social media is an ongoing commitment. Not running out of content is kind of essential, so identifying those 3-5 categories you could talk about forever and then honing in on how to make that content entertain, educate, and engage is pretty darn huge.
Michael Gerber. For those who’ve attended eWN events in the past, I think we can all agree that Michael brought a different flavor to the SR 3.0 stage. His conversation with Sandra and Kym was spicy and authentic. Whether you love or hate is style or whether you agree (or disagree) with his thoughts on entrepreneurs vs. technicians, we are a networking organization, and some of the best lessons we can learn come from conversations with people who think differently than we do. If you only listen to people who reinforce what you already believe, you’re missing out.
I’m Not Your Perfect Mexican Daughter. I loved this part of SR 3.0 not just because I’m a huge bookworm who is always down for a good fiction recommendation, but because it’s so valuable to think on how the way we were raised impacts our professional behavior, goals, and the way we live our lives. Our parents and families love us, but they don’t always understand us. Hearing Sandra’s story through that lens was powerful. I definitely didn’t cry though. I did not. I absolutely did not. That was you…
THE DIP. Briana’s reaction to learning her parents used to take dance classes was adorable. And insisting they do the dip was *chef’s kiss. Sandra and Kym can consider this advance notice that we expect an encore dip on stage at ICON 2022. That’s more than six months to practice. Don’t let us down!