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The Key to Success is Not Your Mindset, but Your Worthset
Facebook Live with Sandra Yancey
12 February, 2017 by
The Key to Success is Not Your Mindset, but Your Worthset
eWN Admin
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If you want to be wildly successful, some believe you first have to develop a healthy mindset. But what does that actually mean, mindset? It’s one of those buzz words you hear a lot these days like the word “mindfulness.” Well, the dictionary says that “mindset” is “the ideas and attitudes with which a person approaches a situation, especially when these are seen as being difficult to alter.” But Founder and CEO of eWomenNetwork, Sandra Yancey, takes it one step further. She says the key to your success is not your mindset, but your "worthset."


Mindset Vs. Worthset

In my podcast interview with Sandra Yancey, which we broadcast on Facebook Live and posted above, Sandra explains that mindset is more about what's in your head. For example, people create New Year’s resolutions to exercise more. That's their mindset. But we all know what happens. Their head tells them they should, but their heart isn't into it. After about 30 days, you start hearing crickets in the gym where those New Year resolutioners failed to fulfill their promise. The key is you need to believe you are worth the trouble of doing whatever it takes to have a healthier body. That is your "worthset." It touches you on a much deeper level. Once you recognize and believe in your own worth, you can do anything.

Worthset is Work

Make no mistake about it, cultivating your "worthset" is hard work. First, it's vital you understand what your belief system is about things like money, health, success, etc. For example, finish this sentence stem: “Money is ....” What comes up for you? If you discover it causes you pain or discomfort, then ask yourself, why? Where did that come from? Dig deep. It might not come to you right away, but at least you are activating your subconscious to be aware of it. When the answer does come to you, own it. Now the work begins to change your "worthset" around money. It's not easy, but it's definitely possible. It's about closing the gap between what you want and what your beliefs are around that desire. Hyrum Smith, the former CEO of Franklin Covey and close friend and mentor of Sandra, has a wonderful book called The 3 Gaps that will give you some guidance and understanding around closing the gaps you have created in your life.

Worthset is Belief in Yourself

If you want your business to grow, you need to think big. But you also need to believe that you deserve to have a flourishing business. You need to get comfortable with the idea that you are a genius in what you do and capable of having huge success. As Sandra says, "Worthset" is what you allow yourself to believe.  Do you get that? You need to give yourself permission to believe in your genius. When you do, the game changes in your business and your life.”

Plan Your Worthset

Sandra says that sometimes the hardest part of your life journey is believing that you're worth the trip. I love that.  Do whatever it takes to cultivate your "worthset," because then you will be open to opportunities when they show up.  You will respect your own value and make choices that serve you best. In business, those choices are only what make the cash register ring. In your personal life, that's anything that makes you feel good inside.

One choice women entrepreneurs have a tough time managing is their time. They don't value their time.  Time is money, ladies! This is a good place to start planning your "worthset." When you listen to my interview with Sandra, she talks about a tool that she recommends to her coaching clients. It's a T-chart that outlines all the important things you should be spending your time on and all the other things that are nothing but distractions. On one side of the T-Chart put the word, "Important." On the other side put the word, "Distractions." Now make your lists. Whatever you put under "distractions" get rid of it. Once you do, you will be focused on what is important in your business that will help you increase cash flow.

Take Action

The word, "worthset" encompasses two things. Your self-worth and your financial worth. You can't go big in your business until you can think big about your self-worth. As Sandra says, "Make your worthset is 2 sizes too big, so you have room to grow into it." So do yourself a favor and either watch the Facebook Live video or listen to the podcast (or both!), and let that be the beginning of creating a new a bigger "worthset" for the New Year. 

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Author of Game-Changing Content,
Phyllis Smith
Content Manager, eWomenNetwork
Program Director, eWN Podcast Network

The Key to Success is Not Your Mindset, but Your Worthset
eWN Admin
12 February, 2017
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