
Kami .
What Your Soul Can Tell About Your Business
12 February, 2020 by
What Your Soul Can Tell About Your Business
Kami Guildner
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Your Soul knows.

Your Soul knows what kind of business your business wants to be. Your Soul knows which client is waiting to find you. Your Soul knows how you can connect the dots to make the connection.

You only need to ask her.

When I hit the five-year mark on my business several years back, I knew my brand was due for a refreshing. As I started to reflect on what my brand had become, and what I wanted it to be, I realized that my marketing messages had become very formulaic. It sounded like the masses, and most importantly, my message had lost my voice.

Yes, I had fallen trap to the shiny stars claiming, “Follow these easy 5-step formulas to success!” My marketing sounded like every other coach who had followed the “formula.” In the midst of my desire to grow my business to the next level, I had lost my connection to the soul of my work.

Moreover, there was a direct connection to my bottom-line results. For the first time in my business, I wasn’t growing. My revenue was flat.

When I started my business ten years ago, it was founded on passion and purpose and magical moments that unfolded into what was meant to be. In that year of rebranding, I knew I had to go back to the magic in which my business had been founded. I had to go back to the soul wisdom that had planted the seeds in the very beginning.

And so, I began my year of soulful exploration. I made space to ask, “What is it that my business wants to be?” “Who am I meant to serve?” “How am I meant to make a difference?” 

In journaling, in nature, in the barn with my horses, in tune to the rhythms of eclipses and the moon, I began to get curious about the journey I was on and a new picture began to evolve.

The focus of my business shifted, and I re-aligned back to my own why. I was called to make a difference in a new way. In the midst of listening to my Soul-Inspired space that I had created, I rediscovered my voice. I rediscovered my purpose.

I threw out the formulas and began writing from my heart; sharing my own journey and connecting the stories of my life that had set me up perfectly for this next evolution of my business. And with that realignment came the synchronicity of new opportunities, new ideas, new teachings and new growth. Incredible growth in fact!

With newfound clarity, my business catapulted, and my ideal clients started knocking on my door.

That year of soulful exploration brought many lessons that I share with my clients today. I invite you to join along.  

• Make space to tune into your soul wisdom on a daily basis. This means journaling, meditating, practicing gratitude, creating art, getting out in nature – whatever it is that lights up your soul. Ask questions. And then listen. In this soul-guided space, you will find clarity, inspiration and new ideas and a roadmap to take you there.

• People fall in love with souls, not faces. Share your soul. Build your brand from the inside out – from the essence of who you are. Take time to recognize and own your strengths, passions and values. Recall the stories that have gotten you to this point in your life, as there will be signposts in those stories that will lead you to where you’re going. When you build your brand from the inside out, you build a brand that only you can own. And you build a brand that will bring more people into your business.

• Throw out the formulas in your marketing! Let your inner wisdom be your guide in crafting how you speak about your business. Say no to pain-focused, scarcity messaging that they teach in the formulas. Our role is to help our clients see the possibilities and their desires. Tune into their desires, and you will begin to speak your clients’ love language.

• Learn to get comfortable in the uncomfortable stretch. As an entrepreneur, you’ll be going places you’ve never gone before, and I don’t mean geographically. When you are taking your business to the next level, you will be doing things you never thought you’d do. Perhaps it’s taking big stages, writing a book, leading large groups of people. Learn to step into your light and say yes to those things that feel uncomfortable. The Universe is there to support you.

• Know what it is that you want to stand for. The question I love to ask my clients, “If the whole world could hear one message from you, what would it be?” Then #RaiseUP your voice in that message. The world needs you to matter.

• Play. Laugh. Adventure. Our soul delights in this energy and will invite in more of the same energy! Bring fun into your business and your life, and you will resonate on high vibrancy. I call it your #RFactor. Tune it up!

There isn’t a magic formula to follow. But there is magic to discover. Be curious. Open up to all that is possible. Dance in the new energy you create.

When you approach growing your business in a soulful-inspired manner, you will be surprised how the right people will magically come into your life at just the right time. You will find your business and life in flow, and not push.

Yes, your soul knows what your business wants to be. Simply ask her.

Want some soulful-inspired inspiration? Download my free 50 Journal Questions for Entrepreneurs from my website. 



Kami Guildner, an eWomenNetwork Premier Success Coach, is a business coach for women, helping her clients raise up their voice, brand and business. Kami weaves soulful inspiration into mindful business strategies, helping her clients succeed in business and worldly impact.


What Your Soul Can Tell About Your Business
Kami Guildner
12 February, 2020
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